just when the caterpillar thought that life was over,
it became

Monday, August 24, 2009

Is God speaking again?

So today old habits of doubt and worry come creeping back in regarding the move and the brother issue... Kevin said read Matthew 6:30, so I did, and posted it here...

a couple weekends ago I attended the road to I DO seminar put on by Bob and Cheryl Moeller - awesome seminar and I HIGHLY recommend it.. check out their website For Better, For Worse, For Keeps Ministry - its awesome...

So anyhow after that seminar I ordered two books they have written one the same title as their ministry and the second entitled Marriage Minutes...see I get this daily devotion from them too, just a little antecdent piece of advice regarding marriage... and the book Marriage minutes is the same way... just daily, starting with Jan 1 short little one minute readings to share with spouse (ok so I don't have one yet but its a given) - so today my books arrived...

immediately I tore into said package and for some reason felt compelled to flip to September 20th the day I will arrive in Florida - does anyone wanna guess what the scripture reading is for that day??? go on... go ahead... I dare ya to guess...

Yeah... Matthew 6:30 is the primary scripture focus for that day, and that days title Faith and Worry Won't Mix...

A sign?? a coincidence??? y'all can have your opinion but to me it was once again but a sign for me...

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