just when the caterpillar thought that life was over,
it became

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thank you!

To every single one of you that posted on my "how do you know" post from the other day...

I read every single response and I appreciate EVERY SINGLE response!  I don't care if your male or female, Baptist, Catholic, or yes even atheist.... I do not judge, that is NOT my position to judge anyone...

Do unto others as you would have done unto you... I don't want anyone to judge me so I try not to do that to anyone else... am I perfect, oh heck no... I say I am a recovering perfectionist... perfectly imperfect - that's me..

we are all entitled to our thoughts and opinions and I appreciate every single person that responded...

And I also appreciate the prayers - you will never know how much each response moved me to tears... I am always amazed at the wonderful people you can 'meet' on the internet thru a blog or website...


Diane said...

You are loved and God's eyes are on you and your situation. I had a book if you wanted it: "God is closer than you think" by John Ortberg. Let me know if you would like me to send it to you. Hugs!

Ze O said...

Oh my, that's totally great, Kim!
For a moment I really thought you had "censored" some of the responses... :-O
Glad to read you didn't!

Anyway: I have a coworker, very religious. I love her to bits, she's awesome. We just don't talk about religion a lot (anymore)- we don't make much sense to each other on that subject. ;)

But it's really not a big deal. It's the person that counts! We both have good intentions and that's all that should matter.