just when the caterpillar thought that life was over,
it became

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

QOTD 5 of 365

You can't undo anything you've already done, but you can face up to it.  You can tell the truth.  You can seek forgiveness and let God do the rest. 

author unknown...

I know personally, there are many things I've done that I need to seek forgiveness for.  And in this commitment to really seek what He has in store for me... I know there will be plenty of asking for forgiveness.  

Oh trust me I know God already knows WHAT I've done..  and I know when I ask He will forgive me, He is awesome like that and I know its only a matter of my admitting I've made mistakes....but there are some things I am just not in a place to think or talk about yet...

I know that sounds really silly eh??? because I know that He knows.... its me... I am not ready yet, but as I continue to seek Him I know I will find the strength and courage.


Sherri Murphy said...

I need to start by asking forgiveness for being jealous of your rock hard body!!!

Oh my Gosh!

Thanks for following my blog!

Erin Ellen said...

I could be totally wrong on this but didn't baptizism wash you of all the sins and things you wish you'd done differently? It's a new start, a new life. Don't dwell on things that do not matter anymore.

achildoftheking said...

GirlyMuscle is right. I once heard one of my bible study leaders mention that when Jesus was crucified and risen again it was finished. God forgave you of all your wrongs/sins. Continuing to ask for forgiveness is re-enacting Calvary all over again. All we need to do is thank God for His gift of forgiveness and move on and strive for a sinless life. Which, we know in human flesh is impossible. But, we can continue striving and seeking God's will in our life. just sayin...