just when the caterpillar thought that life was over,
it became

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Deadness

Date: 5/17/2009

Series: Divine Election

Title: The Deadness

Scripture Reading: JOHN 11:17-26

"Spiritually dead people respond to the gospel message because Jesus gives them the power to do so because they are unable to do so themselves."

Because death came through sin, death came to ALL men because ALL have sinned. (ROMANS 5:12)

The wages of sin is DEATH. (ROMANS 6:23)

If we do not believe that Jesus is not who He says He is, we will DIE in our sins. (JOHN 8:24)

No one UNDERSTANDS God. No one SEEKS God. The natural man cannot do these things because he is dead. (ROMANS 3:9-18)

The spiritually dead man does not submit to God's law, nor can he do so. The spiritually dead man CANNOT please God. (ROMANS 8:6-8)

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