just when the caterpillar thought that life was over,
it became

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Daily Gratitude October 18 2011

once again I tend to let things go by the way side that I know are substancial and significant to my growth... but as I like to say all things in life are lessons... I am trying to learn from my lessons... not beat myself up (to badly) when I fall, and always get back on the horse when I do...

Just gotta learn to get back on that horse sooner rather than later... stop sitting on the ground licking my owwies, pouting how its not fair....

sometimes... yes sometimes, life isn't fair and that's ok.  So besides some other more personal things I've let go by the wayside... I've neglected my focusing on daily gratitude....

the pattern is:

1st - gratitude for something about self
2nd - gratitude for something about someone in my life
3rd - gratitude for something physical (smaller the better)

I am grateful I continue to learn things about myself...

I am grateful for my sweetie Kelly who is letting me use his car till my brakes get fixed

I am grateful for my shaker cup... its one I like alot for many reasons....

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