just when the caterpillar thought that life was over,
it became

Friday, October 21, 2011

A different angle

I had the great pleasure of looking at things from another angle recently....

I've always hated.... YES hated!  Not knowing much about cars, but frankly it doesn't interest me... but that can be a pitfall when your a woman because when it needs repairing you can really get taken to the cleaners...

Its been at my attention, I'd say coming to my attention but heck I've known it for some time... that my car needed some repairs... shocks/struts, brakes, to be CLEANED... to name a few.... so at an oil change about 6 or so months ago... I was told front brakes, new rotors... like $300... yea, bout that... it ain't getting fixed today sir...

So the other week Kelly did my front brakes.. rotors did not need replacing only turning.... and he did it for a LOT less than $300.... this week he did my front struts.... and thats kind of when this hit me..... this seeing things from a different angle....

One needs this special type tool to do the strut thingies.... this gadget that holds the tension off the springs so this nut/bolt don't go flying...


He has this tool in his garage... and I got to looking round at his toolboxes and realizing... no darn wonder mechanics, even private ones, charge so much for repairs...not only do you at times need special tools or equipment to get the job done... but just simple tools in general, to be a good mechanic you need several types and sizes of things like wrenchs and such.... different cars and repairs need/take different sizes.... and as I'm sure any mechanic can tell you... not having the tool you need in midst of a job sucks.

So in some fashion these mechanics with these huge tall, big ole, long tool boxes have to recoop the money spent on all this stuff....

Not that this enlightenment that hit me makes me any happier about having to pay the over exaggerated car repair prices.... LOL....

I so appreciate him taking that time and effort...over the top awesome to say the least.... and he seems to LIKE doing it???? don't get that... greasy grimey, icky nissan of mine...

but WOW... talk about a much nicer riding car now!

SOMEDAY I might even have to wash it!

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