just when the caterpillar thought that life was over,
it became

Monday, August 24, 2009

Writing for a living?

I've been sharing my posts here with my soon to be sister in law, Amanda, who sent me back a note that said I should write for a living...

Truth be known... I hate writing... anyone that was around me when I had to write a paper for school can tell you how MUCH I hate writing...but then again writing about accounting principles is quite boring...

Mainly this whole blog started way back when as a way to just get thoughts out of my head and onto paper, and since that first day it has really taken on a different context and meaning along the way... but it really is and will always be just a way to get things out of my head...

who knows what I might say that may be words someone else can take away and use in their life, be it physical fitness training or in learning how to walk with Jesus themselves because that 2nd part is all so new to me and I need others to know He does not expect us to be perfect at it, contrary to some snobby others who feel their Christianity is far superior to yours but hey its them missing the point of showing others HOW to walk with Jesus and it will be up to Him to redirect them not me...

but all in all this is really nothing more than misc. ramblings from my head on 'paper' because my handwriting is AWFUL :o) and who knows when I might need to look back at my own posts for inspiration and I want to be able to read what I wrote!!!

1 comment:

Erin Ellen said...

I like that you do this. It's how I stay connected to you. You know how it is....life gets in the way and sometimes the only connection is online in a brief email or a note on facebook or here. But I love you Kim and your writing helps me to know where you are and that you're ok or if you need help. Even when we don't speak for long periods of time I always kinda have a feel for where you are through your blog. So keep writing!