just when the caterpillar thought that life was over,
it became

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Still have a HUGE Attitude of Gratitude

I haven't gone away and my attitude of gratitude hasn't changed... just been lazy about posting it.... so much is going on and I need to update more often... I've just really been concentrating on my workouts, and I have a new person in my life.... He is totally wonderful....

Lets see since Jan 10, 2011 I've lost 36 pounds... and I've created an album on FB of the many Faces and Phases of my weight loss over the years.... I'm so sick and tired of yo-yo-ing... so tired of pulling the rubber band so flipping tight that it springs the wrong way when I let it go... tired of dieting damn it.... I WILL make this a lifestyle this time.. no extremes (well ok to some being at the gym at 4am is extreme but it works for me), but seriously no extremes with food, no binging.... this has got to be about a lifechange.... if I expect it to stay... if I expect to maintain... and maintaining it has always been my achilles heel.... but, not sure what it is, this time feels different.... and I completely attribute that to my faith....

anyhow here is the link to my FB album.... will update it from time to time...

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