just when the caterpillar thought that life was over,
it became

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude 7/17/12

I am grateful for a clean day yesterday

I am grateful for Kelly and his dogged determination to stay on track.... at times it annoying - LOL - (but that's the sullen child in me that wants to eat crap) BUT mostly it is helping me stay focused and aware because the 10lbs since BC end and vacation could have easily been 15, 20, 30!

I am grateful for my cars AC


1) First, gratitude for something about myself

2) Second, express gratitude for someone else in my life

3) then, express gratitude for a material thing, the smaller the better. It works for me to consciously think about the senses--something I can see, hear, feel, or smell.

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