just when the caterpillar thought that life was over,
it became

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Goal Achieved

I wanted to get in that swim distance and finally made it. I really should have done another set of 5 laps, but I got in 2000 yd swim yesterday, which equates to 1.13 miles - I would have went for another 5 laps but I felt like my ass was draggin' as it was, literally. I just felt like those last 5 laps were getting harder and harder to keep going, it felt like my feet and butt where draggin the bottom of the pool. I could feel myself get a bit lazy at times and lift my head for that breath so I made sure to be aware of that and try as much as possible to roll to the side.

One of these days I'd really like to just SWIM without a thousand thoughts going thru my head such as one, two, three, breath, or counting stokes or telling myself to roll my head like its on a pillow to get the breath don't lift the head, there is so much noise in my head when I swim, if a fish could read minds they'd surely be laughing at me - not that you encounter fish in the pool but in open water its even worse because then you have the noise of 100+ other swimmers around you and now i'm telling myself to be calm and relax...

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